Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 29

Ok, let's see where we left off.  I got the results for the glucose testing that I had done on Friday.  Everything is fine there...whew!  However, since I had to stop taking my prescription prenatal vitamins (because all of the calcium in them were causing kidney stones) I am now not getting enough iron and am therefore anemic.  So, now here is my daily dose of medicine each night before bed:  two childrens chewable vitamins (which are not as tasty as I remember), an iron pill, a fish oil pill (for the DHA which was originally in my prenatal vitamin), and a folic acid pill.  A bit much I think, but at this point, whatever gets the job done!

The second night of our birthing class was tonight.  Well if I had any issues seeing a child being born from a total stranger, that is long gone.  We are both learning a lot during the class, and at times some of it is review thankfully.  There are two other couples in our class so it's a very intimate setting. 

Kidney stone count since becoming pregnant:  14!  Yep, just passed another one today.  I'll be so thrilled when I deliver Kaylyn....she's way more worth the pain than a little pebble!

An updated picture of me is coming in the next day or two since I haven't posted one in quite awhile.  Until then...

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